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Manage your client's different cases under single window with individual cases history.
Our automated invoice and billing system will save your time and man power.
Timeline sheet lets you update the daily routine of cases for particular client.
Document management gives you so many unique access to manage your client's document and you can access and update in real time.
Matter management allows to update the history of each and every matter for particular clients.
Get daily, weekly or monthly updates and reminders about your cases and hearings.
It will give you the history of payment received and pending status for each invoice of particular client.
We provide multi user operation, so you can have different sets of login according to your employees role.
Keep track of all your cases report and download it whenever you want it.
Smart alerts will give you all the alerts regarding the next or upcoming hearings for client or any other task.
You can limit and restrict user's by giving them permission using permission controls.