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REMS can be used to add project for particular clients and manage it without any hassle. REMS has some unique project management dashboard which give the complete detail without any query.
It allows to store the details of the project including the flat amount tax details and other booking details. Which later can be used to keep the track for payment tracking.
Invoice and billing system provides and generates invoices for the flats for client. It has some unique feature for customizing the billing for each clients.
Accounts Book will manage all your day to day expenses, it will also add automated payments received and done by clients for particular flats. Plus more unique features.
REMS provide complete ledger management tools, where you can keep track of each and every ledger detailed reports.
Keep track of payment as an when it has been received and when is the schedule update for the next payment. REMS give complete control over payment tracking to keep updated.
Generate reports for the project. REMS provide customized report generation for the client as per their requirements and needs.
We provide multi user operation, so you can have different sets of login according to your employees role.
According to the details it gives a timely reminders and updates for the flats renewal and booking details.