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Clients master, Vehicle masters, Item masters, L.R Amount masters, Discount masters, Destination masters, Godown masters and many more to add details.
Create a complete L.R report and print it. Receive L.R on the receiver Godown. Automated Client selection for payment based on payment type.
Created L.R loaded onto vehicle from the start point to the destination godown, which will capture the status of L.R weather it has been loaded or not.
After receiving the parcel at the destination godown Mini Memo will help in loading and making parcel reach at the clients door step.
Tracking will provide complete information regarding the parcel Weather it has created, loaded, dispatched, received at the hub and it is delivered or not.
Based on the L.R creation an automated details of particular client is being updated in accounts book. Accounts book is completely managed automatically which will save your time and manpower.
Generate reports for the particular L.R or Memo or Mini Memo or Accounts book or billings and print it using our print report features.
If the parcel is received by the client it have a delivered status or else it will have and un-delivered status and automated account book payment return status will be updated.
You can create multiple godowns(Hub) to send your parcel from on city to another city's godown(hub)
Invoice and billing system provides and generates invoices for the billing client. It has some unique feature for customizing the billing for each clients.
We provide multi user operation, so you can have different sets of login according to your employees role.
According to the details it gives a timely reminders and updates for the booking details.